Learn how to connect & understand your nervous system so you can have greater outcomes in your health & healing journey

*Clinicians - use this resource with your clients to help educate and bring awareness to the nervous system 


This workbook will introduce you to the different states of your nervous system and provide tools to assist with awareness and self-regulation.

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This workbook will help you 

Reconnect to your body

Your nervous system sends you cues but so often we simply ignore them. This workbook helps you reconnect with your body to understand your nervous system so you know when to push and when to rest.

Build your nervous system toolkit

We need to intentionally engage in tools and activities to help our nervous system shift through certain states.  This workbook provides you with exercises you can call on to support you in each state of your nervous system. 

Feel empowered in your healing

You'll understand how you nervous system impacts your ability to heal and engage in your world in the ways you desire.  With this you can make empowered decisions about the choices you make in life and healing to support yourself for the best possible outcomes.

Get yours NOW!!

Hi, I'm Natasha.

 I am more than just a mentor; I am your unwavering support system, your trusted colleague, and your biggest cheerleader on your journey.

With over a decade of experience as a Registered Physical Therapist and six years dedicated to working with concussion clients, I have honed my expertise to the point where clients now travel from all corners of North America to seek my specialized concussion rehabilitation services at Symphony Brain Performance, the clinic I founded in 2015.

However, I am not your average mentor. Yes, I will impart neuroscience, guide you through evidence-based practices, and keep you up to date with the latest research. But it goes beyond that.

I lead with both a curious mind and compassionate heart, blending science with spirit, and logic with intuition. This holistic approach may challenge some because it transcends the confines of black-and-white thinking. But it is precisely this blend that makes me exceptional in what I do. 

My mission is to elevate and transform the conversation and culture of concussion on a global scale. And the first step in that - is the importance of our Nervous System .... hence this free resource for you!! 

Your workbook is HERE!